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Now in its 13th edition, Junqueira’s Basic Histology continues as the preeminent source of concise yet thorough information on human tissue structure and function. For over 40 years this educational resource has met the needs of learners for a well-organized and concise presentation of cell biology and histology that integrates the material with that of biochemistry and physiology and provides an excellent foundation for subsequent studies in pathology. The text is prepared specifically for students of medicine and other health-related professions, as well as for advanced undergraduate courses in tissue biology. As a result of its value and appeal to students and instructors alike, Junqueira’s Basic Histology is used worldwide in nearly a dozen different languages. For this edition I have revised the text and shortened each chapter while adding new information and expanding coverage of specific topics as needed. Study is also facilitated by a new style and page design. Inserted throughout each chapter are more numerous, short paragraphs that indicate how the information presented can be used medically and which emphasize the foundational relevance of the material learned. Prompted by student requests, I also now close each chapter with a list of the key points summarizing that chapter. More figures and summary tables organizing the information to facilitate student learning have also been added to each chapter. Additional new art and other figures are present in each chapter, with the goal to simplify learning and integration with related material. The McGraw-Hill medical illustrations now used throughout the text, supplemented by numerous animations in the electronic version of the text, are the most useful, thorough, and attractive of any similar medical textbook. Electron and light micrographs have been replaced throughout the book as needed, and again they make up a complete atlas of cell, tissue, and organ structures fully compatible with the students’ own collection of glass or digital slides. A virtual microscope with over 150 slides of all human tissues and organs is available: junqueira/virtual/junqueira.htm. As with the previous edition, the book facilitates learning by its organization: ■ An opening chapter reviews how the structures of cells and tissues are studied. ■ Two chapters then summarize the structural and functional organization of the human cell cytoplasm and nucleus. ■ The next seven chapters cover the four basic tissues that make up our organs: epithelia, connective tissue (and its major subtypes), nervous tissue, and muscle. ■ Remaining chapters explain the organization and functional significance of these tissues in each of the body’s organ system, closing with up-to-date consideration of cells in the eye and ear. For student review and rapid assimilation of the material in Junqueira’s Basic Histology, McGraw-Hill has published a set of 200 full-color Basic Histology Flash Cards, both as actual cards and as an app for smart phone, tablet, or computer use, with each card having key structures to identify a summary of important facts and a clinical comment. With these new features, I am confident that Junqueira’s Basic Histology will continue as one of the most useful and widely used educational resources in histology.
Anthony L. MescherHistology is the study of the tissues of the body and how these tissues are arranged to constitute organs. Th e Greek root histo can be translated as either “tissue” or “web,” both of which are appropriate because tissues are usually webs of interwoven fi laments and fi bers, both cellular and noncellular, with membranous linings. Histology involves all aspects of tissue biology, with the focus on how cells’ structure and arrangement optimize functions specifi c to each organ. Tissues have two interacting components: cells and extracellular matrix (ECM). Th e ECM consists of many kinds of macromolecules, most of which form complex structures, such as collagen fi brils and basement membranes. Th e ECM supports the cells and the fl uid that transports nutrients to the cells, and carries away their catabolites and secretory products. Th e cells produce the ECM and are also infl uenced and sometimes controlled by matrix molecules. Cells and matrix interact extensively, with many components of the matrix recognized by and attaching to cell surface receptors. Many of these protein receptors span the cell membranes and connect to structural components inside the cells. Th us, cells and ECM form a continuum that functions together and reacts to stimuli and inhibitors together. Th e fundamental tissues of the body are each formed by several types of cell-specifi c associations between cells and ECM. Th ese characteristic associations facilitate the recognition of the tissue types by students. Organs are formed by an orderly combination of several tissues, and the precise combination of these tissues allows the functioning of each organ and of the organism as a whole. Th e small size of cells and matrix components makes histology dependent on the use of microscopes and molecular methods of study. Advances in biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, immunology, and pathology are essential for a better knowledge of tissue biology. Familiarity with the tools and methods of any branch of science is essential for a proper understanding of the subject. Th is chapter reviews several of the more common methods used to study cells and tissues, focusing on microscopic approaches.
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